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Prairie Weather Stations Promote Data Sharing

Article source:Weather station   time:2024-05-08 08:43:34    viewed:56times

Grassland plays a crucial role as a key component of the national land resources and ecological environment system. It is not only vital to safeguarding national ecological security and food safety, but also plays an active role in promoting the development of modern grassland animal husbandry, optimising the structure of the agricultural industry, and enhancing the beautification and greening of towns and cities.

Currently, China faces multiple challenges in the development and protection of grassland resources. The main problems include: economic losses caused by frequent grassland fires and pests; widespread illegal reclamation and encroachment of grasslands in some areas; overloaded grassland grazing, inappropriate use of means, lack of science in the structure of animal husbandry and production mode, and inadequate disaster prevention and mitigation measures. In view of this, it has become particularly urgent to strengthen the effective supervision and management of grassland resources.

Currently, grassland resource management faces challenges in data collection and sharing, resulting in under-utilised information that affects grassland research and ecological construction. For this reason, it has become particularly critical to establish an integrated grassland information platform to achieve real-time data collection, standardised management and facilitate data sharing.

A grassland weather station is a facility specifically designed to monitor grassland climatic conditions, which is essential for understanding and protecting grassland ecosystems. The station is capable of accurately measuring and recording a wide range of meteorological parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, barometric pressure, and solar radiation. These data are valuable for predicting weather changes, analysing climate patterns, developing grazing plans and implementing environmental management measures.

It enables 24/7 data collection and can also be networked with a central database or other monitoring stations for real-time data sharing and analysis. With these meteorological data, researchers and policymakers can better understand the response of grasslands to climate change, assess the health of grassland ecosystems and formulate corresponding conservation measures.

Prairie Weather Stations Promote Data Sharing

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