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Road condition monitoring stations for road safety

Article source:Weather station   time:2024-06-03 08:45:39    viewed:51times

The safety of motorway traffic is affected by meteorological conditions such as temperature, fog, rain, snow, ice, wind and dust storms, which can lead to a reduction in road surface friction and increase the risk of accidents. In order to improve road safety, it is crucial to study the traffic-meteorological linkages and provide accurate meteorological forecasts. Through the Traffic Safety Early Warning Platform and the Road Condition Monitoring Stations, staff can obtain timely data, predict risks and take measures to reduce traffic accidents caused by inclement weather and ensure road safety.

There are two main factors affecting road conditions:

1. Rainfall is the most common meteorological challenge in road driving. According to official data, up to 20 per cent of accidents on roads are caused by braking problems, with wet road surfaces being the main cause, and half of all accidents occurring during rain. In rainy weather, the friction of the road surface is much lower than in a dry state, which makes it easier for the wheels to slide. As the speed of the vehicle increases, the friction of the road surface will decrease rapidly, resulting in longer braking distance of the vehicle, which poses a great threat to driving safety.

2. Ice and snow not only reduce the clarity of vision, but also after the snow has been compacted or melted in the daytime sun, the road surface temperature drops at night leading to ice, which significantly reduces the friction coefficient of the road surface. This change can seriously affect the braking ability of the vehicle, which may lead to brake system failure, vehicle idling, skidding or sideslip, posing a serious threat to driving safety.

The Road Condition Monitoring Station has the capability to detect water, ice and snow on the road from a distance, and also monitors the road surface condition and degree of wetness in real time. It has an unburied design that is easy to install and maintain, and is resistant to rust and corrosion. The station utilises infrared technology for stable operation in all-weather environments, allowing real-time monitoring without the need for lane closures.


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