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Shandong Fengtu IOT Technology Co., Ltd

Sales Manager:Ms. Emily Wang

Cel,Whatsapp,Wechat:+86 15898932201

Add:No. 155 Optoelectronic Industry Accelerator, Gaoxin District, Weifang, Shandong, China

What are the five elements of weather testing equipment?

What are the five elements of weather testing equipment?

Weather changes directly affect our health and daily life. Temperature: when the weather is hot, we may feel uncomfortable; when the weather is cold, we may easily catch a cold; when the humidity is high, our skin may easily get wet; when the humidity is low, our skin may get dry; when the wind is s...

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What are forest fire risk factor collection stations for?

What are forest fire risk factor collection stations for?

Forest fires are extremely destructive and threaten both our natural environment and the safety of our lives. The establishment of intelligent fire risk monitoring stations can accurately and quickly monitor the conditions that may cause fires, helping us to detect and stop forest fires in time to p...

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How to choose a dust and noise monitor?

How to choose a dust and noise monitor?

The system, Dust and Noise Monitor, consists of three main parts: a dust detector, a dust cloud platform and a 4G voice alarm. It can efficiently collect and analyze all kinds of meteorological parameters and send these data to the cloud platform in real time, enabling users to monitor and operate t...

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"Highlights" of the integrated forest fire risk factor monitoring stations

In the Natural Disaster Emergency Response Capacity Improvement Project, special emphasis is placed on the construction of a forest and grassland fire risk sensing network. Emergency management authorities are responsible for deploying advanced monitoring stations in areas of high fire risk. These s...

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Microclimate monitoring equipment for agriculture

Microclimate monitoring equipment for agriculture

The distinctive feature of agriculture is that its production activities are closely linked to the natural environment, and the entire growth cycle of crops is significantly influenced by natural elements such as climate, soil, topography and vegetation. Among these elements, climatic conditions pla...

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Compact weather station with a variety of functions

Compact weather station with a variety of functions

The mini weather station is capable of remote real-time monitoring of a wide range of meteorological parameters through wireless communication technologies, including 4G, Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT), and LoRa. These parameters include, but are not limited to, air temperature, humidity, wi...

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Microclimate Monitor Recommendations

Microclimate Monitor Recommendations

The microclimate monitor is an efficient tool that collects key meteorological parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction and rainfall. These data can be sent remotely to a data processing centre through the monitor's built-in transmission function.Combined with profess...

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Small meteorological monitoring stations for agriculture

Small meteorological monitoring stations for agriculture

Meteorological monitoring stations are classified into different types according to their monitoring capacity and importance, including national climate observatories, national reference climate stations, national basic weather stations, national meteorological observatories and regional automatic w...

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How to select sensors for four-element automatic weather stations?

How to select sensors for four-element automatic weather stations?

Weather stations are important equipment for monitoring and collecting climatic data, allowing real-time monitoring of factors such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, which are often referred to as meteorological elements. A four-element automatic weather station refers to equipment...

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Which is the best online meteorological monitoring system?

Which is the best online meteorological monitoring system?

The traditional weather monitoring system of the Meteorological Office has a reliable data source and high accuracy. It can provide comprehensive weather information, such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, etc., but the data is slow to update and cannot access the weather condition in real ti...

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