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location:Home>News>Industry dynamics>Principle of Light Scattering Dust Detector

Principle of Light Scattering Dust Detector

Article source:Weather station   time:2024-05-27 08:44:34    viewed:41times

As one of the main sources of air pollution, the control and management of dust occupies a pivotal position in urban environmental protection. At present, the prevention and control of urban dust pollution faces three major challenges: firstly, construction sites and other major sources of dust emissions are in urgent need of all-weather close monitoring; secondly, due to the large number of monitoring points and geographic dispersion, coupled with insufficient staffing, it is difficult to comprehensively cover the monitoring work; lastly, the phenomenon of serious information silos leads to a cumbersome process of governance, high cost of collaborative operations, and difficult to sustain the effectiveness of the governance.

As a key area of air pollution control, the management of dust pollution is of vital importance. Real-time online monitoring of dust pollution at construction sites, industrial plants, urban areas and residential living areas is a key measure to achieve effective control of particulate matter concentrations and minimise the impact of dust pollution. Through this means of monitoring, the negative impact of dust on air quality can be significantly reduced, which in turn promotes the improvement of air environment quality.

When light strikes suspended particles in the air, light scattering occurs. Dust monitors utilise this principle to make accurate measurements by capturing information such as the intensity and frequency of the scattered light. The built-in algorithm of the monitor analyses and calculates these data comprehensively, and finally converts the result into the concentration value of particles in the air.

The dust monitoring terminal launched by Fengtu not only has the function of monitoring PM2.5, PM10 and TSP particulate matter, but also can be extended through modularisation to integrate a variety of monitoring equipment such as meteorological monitoring, noise monitoring, video surveillance, LED display and alarm lights. This system is capable of real-time automatic monitoring of key environmental parameters such as noise, ambient temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, building a comprehensive monitoring solution for unorganised emissions.

Principle of Light Scattering Dust Detector

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